Terms of Service
Divination gives you insight, not the answer.
A tarot reading or astrology report is a glimpse at various forces — internal and external, human and divine — impacting the topic or question presented in that moment.
Though divination can alert us to challenges or illuminate opportunities, it is (thankfully!) never a final judgment. The information presented in any reading or report is intended to help you move through life and the world in the most fulfilling way for you — it is never meant to disempower you or limit your sense of possibility. Few things are set in stone, and ultimately, we each have free will in how we decide to orient ourselves to the circumstances life deals us.
All divinatory readings and reports are offered for entertainment purposes only, and do not constitute legal, medical, or other advice suitable to situations which warrant the guidance of a legally-certified professional.
Cancellation Policy
Please give at least 24 hours' notice if you are unable to keep your booking for a live birth chart reading and need to reschedule by sending an email directly to rubedo.site@gmail.com. Please indicate in your email the days and times you are available to reschedule your session.
All purchases of readings and reports are final at the time of payment and non-refundable. If a reading can't be completed for any reason, an email will be sent to you about refunding your payment as soon as possible.